M&E 19 Headed to Railfest this September

M&E 19 at the grand opening of the Steamtown National Historic Site in 1995.

M&E 19 at the grand opening of the Steamtown National Historic Site in 1995.

Tri-State's Morristown & Erie C424 No. 19 will be traveling to the Steamtown National Historic Site in Scranton, PA for RailFest. This will be 19's first public appearance since leaving the Morristown & Erie in June. No. 19 will be on static display in the roundhouse complex on both Saturday and Sunday.

RailFest is an annual event which showcases Steamtown's collection and invites railroads, historical societies, and enthusiasts alike to bring their own historic pieces for display. Steamtown expects many guests to be a part of the event, but No. 19 is slated to be the sole visiting locomotive. It the will join DL&W F-3 No. 663 for the event, the first occasion the two locomotives will be together as part of the Tri-State collection. No. 663 is leased to the Anthracite Railroads Historical Society, operated by the park, and utilized in excursion service.

This will not be No. 19's first visit to Steamtown, however. The locomotive was on display at the grand opening of Steamtown in 1995!

Learn more at Steamtown's website, and let them know you're coming on Facebook

19's Last Run on the Morristown & Erie

On Sunday, Tri-State hosted a members-only excursion trip, which was No. 19's last train on the Morristown & Erie. The event was attended by 180 members and guests of Tri-State and dozens of railfans and train chasers. Before the excursion departed Whippany, President Mike Del Vecchio, Vice President Kevin Phalon, and Treasurer Richard King gave remarks before inviting donor, supporter, and chairman of Liberty Historic Railway, Bill McKelvey cut the ribbon, signifying that No. 19 was officially a part of the Tri-State collection.

Check out the gallery of photos below by Tri-State's photographer Greg Lacko:

Lackwanna 663 Fired Up: Part 1

This weekend, Tri-State volunteers headed to Steamtown National Historic Site to initiate the final repairs on our Lackawanna-painted F3 and get it running for this year's excursion season. For the first time in several years, Tri-State shook off the dust and had the engine running, albeit stationary.

No. 663 has been down for heavy repairs for the past three years, and the engine now has a newly rebuilt main generator and air compressor. Last year, the Steamtown shop installed and aligned the main generator and positioned the air compressor. Mechanics hired by Tri-State verified that Steamtown shop did an excellent job aligning the generator, and they tested the engine up to notch 8 on the throttle and ensured it was well-balanced. 

Next weekend's project will be to install and line up 663's rebuilt air compressor. At that point, an FRA inspection will be all that is left to get 663 on the road for the summer. Check out the photos below to see the process! Click here to read more about 663.

M&E 19 Update: April 13, 2017

What's New:

On Thursday, members Richie King, Bob Bodenstein, and Steve Falco delivered M&E 19's new wheelset to UTC/RAS, a wheel, axle, and truck rebuilding facility in Morton, PA. Hawk Drilling, Inc. was generous enough to allow us use of one of their dual axle trailers so that we could transport the wheelset ourselves, which saved Tri-State over $1000 in shipping costs. The wheelset which was brought to UTC was donated to us by Morristown & Erie, who will also be donating the labor to install it in place of the damaged wheelset that put the engine out of service. That wheel set will be getting new wheels, reconditioned bearings, and will have the axle and gear requalified.

What's Next:

When the wheelset is completed, volunteers will transport the wheel set back to Morristown. At that point, 19 will be brought into Morristown & Erie's shop and jacked up off of its trucks. The front truck and #2 motor will be disassembled and the rebuilt wheelset will be installed in place of the damaged one. The engine is currently drained of coolant, so it will be refilled and the engine can start up and run again for the first time since it was permanently retired in November.

All of this work is 100% donor funded. Check our GoFundMe fundrasier to donate to the project and help us reach our $5000 goal!


Tri-State Railway Historical Society to Purchase Alco C424 No. 19 from Morristown & Erie


April 5, 2017

MORRISTOWN, NJ—The Tri-State Railway Historical Society, Inc. will announce on Wednesday, April 5 that it will be acquiring Morristown & Erie Railway C424 No. 19. This will be the first diesel locomotive preserved directly from its retirement in New Jersey since 1994.

M&E 19 hauling three of Tri-State's cabooses in Whippany, NJ. Photo by Christopher Gore.

M&E 19 hauling three of Tri-State's cabooses in Whippany, NJ. Photo by Christopher Gore.

Tri-State will also be launching a fundraiser via GoFundMe which will seek to raise $5,000 to cover the cost of initial repairs, maintenance, and transportation of the locomotive. The entire purchase price of the locomotive has been underwritten by the Liberty Historic Railway (www.lhry.org), a NJ-based non-profit. This public benefit organization has funded numerous preservation efforts in years past.

In late November, No. 19 was put out of service by the M&E as a result of a condemnable flat spot on its #2 wheel set. While still operable, the M&E chose to retire the engine permanently in early 2017, after the purchase of three new EMD locomotives. After receiving interest from a locomotive recycler and scrap dealer, Morristown & Erie reached out to Tri-State Railway Historical Society in hopes of coordinating the preservation of No. 19.

“We wanted to see the engine saved as much as anyone, so we were happy that Tri-State could work with us to preserve the engine and keep it running here in New Jersey,” said Chuck Jensen, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Morristown & Erie.

Mike Del Vecchio, 22-year president of Tri-State, was involved with the organization during the acquisition of the other pieces in the Tri-State collection. “Our group has seen our younger volunteers elected to top posts in the group, and we are extremely happy to see that they took on this tremendous project. No. 19 is an important engine to which we all have some attachment. Having been in New Jersey for more than 30 years, it pulled numerous excursions and caboose trips for our group and others. We’re fortunate that so many of our members have stepped up to make this a reality. We happened to be the right group at the right time.” said Del Vecchio.

M&E 19 on the Morris County-owned High Bridge Branch in Wharton, NJ. Photo by Steve Zachowski

M&E 19 on the Morris County-owned High Bridge Branch in Wharton, NJ. Photo by Steve Zachowski

Vice President Kevin Phalon and Treasurer Richie King, who spearheaded the project, are both current college students. Phalon, 22, is a senior television production student at Seton Hall University who also interns for CBS News. King, 23, is a senior accounting student at Ramapo College of New Jersey and is part-owner of an independent publishing company.

“It did not take long at all for Tri-State to find the resources to make this possible. That really speaks to the importance of this locomotive. People want to see it preserved,” said Treasurer Richie King.

“Nineteen checks off so many boxes for us. It is historically relevant to New Jersey, it is familiar to most railroaders and railfans in New Jersey, and it will come to us running. An opportunity like this hasn’t presented itself in my lifetime,” said Kevin Phalon, Vice President of Tri-State.

Not since 1994 has a running diesel been taken out of service and preserved in operation in New Jersey. The last example of that is Erie Lackawanna 3372, the last surviving U34CH which is owned by the United Railroad Historical Society of NJ.

No. 19 will be stored in Boonton, N.J., at the United Railroad Historical Society of NJ (URHS) rail yard, in serviceable condition. Before it leaves Morristown, it will have the condemned wheel set replaced so that it can be put back in service. This work will be paid for through Tri-State’s GoFundMe fundraising effort. Tri-State intends for No. 19 to leave Morristown as an in-service, blue-carded locomotive.

TP&W 801 (M&E 19) circa 1964.

TP&W 801 (M&E 19) circa 1964.

No. 19, and its twin, No. 18, were built side by side in 1964 by the American Locomotive Company (Alco) in Schenectady, NY for the Toledo, Peoria, & Western Railway. Nos. 18 and 19, built as 800 and 801 respectively, have operated together since there were built, having been purchased together by the M&E in 1983. The past three decades have seen No. 19 operating on M&E’s Whippany Line, Dover & Rockaway Branch, Chester Branch, and High Bridge Branch. It was also in dedicated service for nine years at the Bayway Refinery in Linden, NJ.

The Tri-State Railway Historical Society, Inc. was formed in 1964 as a non-profit educational organization dedicated to the preservation of New Jersey's rich railroad heritage. The group actively restores and operates historic rail equipment, publishes The Block Line magazine and other railroad books, and holds railroad events to involve the public in New Jersey railroad history. Learn more at http://www.tristaterail.org/
