Donate to Tri-State

Monetary Donations

Tri-State Railway Historical Society is 100% volunteer, and the entirety of you contribution goes directly to our mission of preserving railroad history. You can make a donation online, or by sending a check to P.O. Box 1217, Morristown, NJ 07962. All donations are tax deductible, we would can provide you with a letter of donation for your records.


Material Donations

We accept collections. Did a train buff in your life pass away, leaving you with a collection of model trains or railroad material to find a new home for? We can help! We can make use of many of the following items, or we can sell or auction them to raise funds for the groups activities. All donations are assigned a fair market value and are tax deductible. We will issue you a donation letter. Items we accept include:

  • Books: particularly those pertaining to railroads in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania and the region

  • Model Trains: HO and O-scale trains preferred

  • Paperwork: timetables, maps, historic documentation

  • Railroadiana: Lanterns, keys & locks, builders plates, etc

We accept tools and heavy machinery. The restoration and maintenance of our historic trains requires a wide range of tools and heavy machinery. We accept donations of hand tools, power tools, and tools for use in heavy repairs. We also accept tractors, backhoes, forklifts, side-by-sides (but not motor vehicles).